Software Developer Trends
The new decade is upon us and with it comes a flood of excitement for the changes and trends we will see in tech. Software development has become more integral to nearly every sector of the world, so developments and changes in software development have a vast impact on our lives. While we cannot always accurately predict what lies ahead for tech, there are some trends that we expect to continue into the new decade.
Here are some software development trends we expected to see in 2020 and beyond
1. Artificial Intelligence will dominate

Though Artificial Intelligence has been around for many years, it continues to grow and enhance every year, becoming foundational to many technologies around the world. Developers predict that AI will continue to dominate as more industries adopt it in their infrastructures.
The biggest trends for 2020 suggest that healthcare, education, travel industries, and social media will use AI for personalized experiences, assistance, and prediction services. AI will be the new competitive edge for industries across the spectrum, changing the way we think about human involvement and resources. The Deep Learning framework is predicted to dominate on the market.

2. 5G
5G enters todazas market. This exciting, faster network brings with it new problems for developers to solve. Despite the drawbacks and controversies, 5G has the potential to revolutionize handheld devices and open the doors for developers to get in on the ground floor of distributed technologies. It offers the chance for developers to work on more robust applications and augmented reality features. 5G is predicted to transform the world — from powering smart cities, to improving traffic systems, to increased capacity for wider network.

3. Collaborative computing will Rise
Decentralized computing infrastructure-for sure. The highly distributed model of Edge computing may help overcome the disadvantages of cloud computing. These developments may be the future of computation and industry. Collaboration proves vital to company infrastructures and, as cybersecurity concerns persist, large companies across all industries are moving towards the cloud as a solution.
4. Languages predicted to go a head
Over the past decade, hundreds of programming languages have been created. This shift away from the monolithic languages of the past enables developers to work with specialized languages that focus more on developer ergonomics and modernized developments in hardware. This case of programming languages empowers developers, strengthens the industry, and turns our focus towards solving human problems. The researchers suggests that the top 4 modern programming languages to rise from this Year are Rust, TypeScript, Kotilin, and Swift.
5. Lower barrier to entry Software Development market: rise of self programmers
Despite the common perception of the tech industry, there’s a gap in supply for software development. As the price of university rises across the globe, fewer people are turning to expensive degrees in computer science. The barrier to entry for software developers is predicted to lower in the next few years to make space for self-taught developers. Also, some developers predict that there will be an increase in LCNC development (low-code, no-code development) for enterprises to innovate without the need for CS degree-holding programmers.
Online learning platforms are one reason why the industry is shifting. Educative provides university-level courses for developers of all levels to level-up their coding skills and tackle new languages at a low, stress-free cost. The goal is to empower people around the world to join the world of development without the financial burden of university.
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